Located in the beautiful Davis Mountains of West Texas, Paisano Baptist Encampment is a 10 to 15 minute drive from both Marfa and Alpine. Family Camp (general encampment) meets each summer, the last full week of July. The meeting officially begins with Sunday evening worship and ends with lunch on Friday following a closing memorial service.
Families from all over West Texas (now from many states) have met for a week of renewal and inspiration since 1916. Early participants camped in tents and ate meals prepared over campfires or on chuck wagons. Beginning in 1921, ranchers brought their chuck wagons together and fed all who came. Today families stay in cabins or dorms and share hearty meals in a huge dining shed, prepared by the kitchen crew directed by Chris Lacy of the O6 Ranch.
Worship and Bible study have always been the primary focus of the week. But in addition to spiritual refreshment, Paisano provides opportunities to renew old acquaintances, make new friends, and reunite with extended family members.
These are hallowed grounds. You’ll find God here. Come walk with Him.
Bill Collins, Paisano President